Coming Soon: Some Books reviewed

April 3, 2012 at 7:34 pm (books, entertainment, history, jasna, london's landscape) (, , , , , , , , , , , , , )

Where does time go… too many things to do, and not enough time for READING. Here are two recent books sent to me that, sooner rather than later, will be reviewed here.

The first is the newer of the two, and what I’m currently reading:

<–The Jane Austen Guide to Happily Ever After, by Elizabeth Kantor (Regnery Publishing).

The second is Louise Allen‘s Walks Through Regency London–>

JASNA members will get a chance in the not-too-distant future to read my review of Romanticism and Music Culture in Britain, 1770-1840 by Gillen D’Arcy Wood (Cambridge University Press).

I’ve been “living” in the early part of the 19th century since this weekend. Lives filled with parties, Balls, travel, upsets in the carriage.  So these two books fit my mind-set of the moment: one discussing Jane Austen’s novels and the other the landscape she would have known. The time period and the landscape, of course, are the same for my two girls — Mary and Emma. Stay tuned!

* * *

A Spanish-speaking Austen fan, interested in fashion, has picked up on my review of Penelope Byrd’s delicious text: Jane Austen’s Fashions:


  1. Louise Allen said,

    Looking forward to hearing what you think about Walks Through Regency London – thanks very much for reviewing it. It grew out of my research explorations in the course of writing my novels and in search of the scenes in my collection of Regency prints.

    • Janeite Kelly said,

      Hi, Louise — nice to hear from you. I’m just glad that you and Charlotte Frost thought of me; always wonderful to get a new and unexpected book through the post!

      To say much right now would be telling…, but I can write that two of my favorite books are LondonWalks and ViennaWalks (if anyone remembers those “Walks” series books).

      “Walkies,” anyone??


  2. hablandodejane said,


    I linked to your web “precisely” because I do not know much of fashion but, knowing how many spanish speaking people are interested in regency fashion, I decided to direct them to your entries, where they could maybe find what they might be looking for.

    Congratulations for your nice work!!

    • Janeite Kelly said,

      Ola! thank you SO much for your kind words. I’ll have to keep my eyes open for items that might interest you. Like the Smiths & Goslings, I love to travel and learn.


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