Chatsworth: the Boardgame?

July 14, 2012 at 10:33 am (books, entertainment, history, news, travel) (, , , )

I’ve recently come across this wonderful blog – all about an Oxfam Volunteer’s “finds” amid the “incoming”. Great fun – only makes me wish I could drop by and buy!

The link above is for the Chatsworth boardgame, but do check out some other blog posts: a Hansard volume (I hate politics, but LOVE this write-up); some journals going for a song, some sheet music ditto.

Must admit to a HAUL of great items from the Oxfam Bookstore in Winchester in 2007… Newly retooled and just reopened, they had some great offerings. The Wilmslow Volunteer’s picks give a great indication of just what passes through Oxfam doors all over the UK.

UPDATE: in revisiting the site, I’ve had a look at the “rules of the game” — It DOES sound great fun: There is the general rule of “Take any Path. Do not retrace your steps” and then a series of variants to the game: THE GRAND TOUR (“start from the Orangery”); RACE; AFTERNOON TOUR (in which you can visit the Maze!); HIDE AND SEEK (with its talk of “the hidden player”); CHASE; and DIVERSIONS.

The “rules” end with this invitation: “Derive lasting pleasure by creating your own games in the exciting gardens of Chatsworth House…”


  1. bookvolunteer said,

    I’m flattered and delighted that you’ve enjoyed my blog. It’s a product of one of the best volunteering experiences and a love of books that exceeds my money to pay for them, shelf space to store them or time to read them all! Best wishes for your very ambitious and interesting project.

    • Janeite Kelly said,

      Dear Bookvolunteer – thanks for visiting.

      Gosh! who wouldn’t like your blog! So many of us have the same passion for books. Indeed, I can’t imagine the temptations. Very varied choices in articles will keep me visiting your site. Only wish I wasn’t 3000 miles away from Wilmslow.


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